Please read fully and to the end- Thank you.
In all that follows the terms we/us/our means RIPNROCK. and the terms you/your means the person making the booking on behalf of the group.
1. The person making the booking does so on behalf of all persons in the group. This person, by making the booking, accepts all of the booking terms and conditions, without exception, as set out herein and will share them with all persons in the group.
2. Bookings are confirmed by payment in full.
3. If you cancel within 6 weeks prior to your booking you will not receive any refund. If you cancel before the 6 weeks, you will receive a full refund.
4. When you commit to us, we commit to you. As soon as we receive payment our instructors, equipment and transport are booked in for your activity and group type and size. When the session is full, all other groups will be turned away.
5. RIPNROCK hold Public Liability Insurance. However, you are advised to arrange your own insurance to cover eventualities such as; you needing to cancel, injury, or loss of personal items. We do not accept any responsibility for any guest’s property of any description, including money, luggage, electronic equipment or vehicles and their contents. You may choose to leave valuables in our vehicles at your own risk.
6. We do not accept any responsibility for any aspect of your activity affected by matters over which we have no control, for example weather conditions, industrial disputes, terrorism, delays, acts of God, war, quarantine, sickness or any other cause.
7. A member of our staff, or an outside contractor appointed by us, will lead your activity and their instructions are vital for your safety and enjoyment. They are empowered to stop the activity should their instructions be wilfully ignored or members of your group are acting in a way that might endanger themselves or others. You should ensure all members of your group are aware of these points.
8. Any additional person(s) joining the group as an observer, for example, will not be our responsibility in any way or covered under our Public Liability Insurance.
9. All persons taking part in the activity must complete, sign and date a RIPNROCK Medical Consent Risk Acceptance Form or, if under the age of 18, fully completed, signed and dated by the parent or guardian of the young person(s) concerned prior to the group arriving to take part in the activity. These forms are mandatory as a condition set down by our insurers.
10. You should be aware that the activities will probably be taking part in areas of natural beauty and you should tell your group not to do anything that might harm that environment. Our instructor will be pleased to give advice on safeguarding the natural environment.
11. Your group must arrive at the appointed time for the start of your activity. If you arrive late it might not be possible to complete the allocated duration of the activity, or to run the activity at all, as our instructors may need to meet another group after yours.
12.Customers MUST request permission first if they intend to use footage of any RIPNROCK customers/staff/equipment on activities for use of personal or business gains.
13. Due to the nature of the business, the activities we offer are weather and sea condition dependent. Refunds cannot be given if we should cancel your booked activity due to life threatening conditions, instead we will offer an alternative activity which could be over an hour away depending on where you are based, we will inform you of the alternative the day before. Alternative activity start times could also change. If you choose not to partake in the alternative then we will refund you 50% of your payment. Full refunds may be given in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the company director only. It is rare that we have to cancel and offer alternative activities.